
17 Popular Park Strip Landscape Ideas 2024

Park Strip Landscape Ideas: Transforming the Space Between You and the Street

Park strips, those narrow stretches of land between the sidewalk and the street, often go overlooked. But with a little creativity, they can be transformed into beautiful and functional extensions of your home‘s landscape. Here, we delve into the world of park strip landscaping, exploring various design options, plant choices, and tips for creating a space that complements your property and enhances your curb appeal.

Turning a strip of no-man
Turning a strip of no-man’s land into garden, curb appeal AP News
  • Water-Wise Wonders: Drought-Tolerant Designs
  • In today’s water-conscious world, opting for drought-tolerant plants in your park strip is not just eco-friendly, it’s smart. Consider incorporating:

    Xeriscape Planting Flowers Parking Strip Water Stock Photo
    Xeriscape Planting Flowers Parking Strip Water Stock Photo

    Native Plants: Local flora thrives in your region’s climate, requiring minimal watering. Research native wildflowers, ornamental grasses like blue grama or feather reed grass, and low-growing shrubs like manzanita or cenizo.

  • Succulents: These fleshy wonders come in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors, adding a touch of whimsy while requiring minimal maintenance.
  • Gravel and Rock Gardens: Xeriscaping with gravel and strategically placed rocks creates a low-maintenance, visually appealing landscape. Introduce pops of color with flowering perennials like lavender or cacti.

  • Blooming Beauty: A Riot of Color
  • Parking Strips: A Unique Design Concept – Water Conservation for
    Parking Strips: A Unique Design Concept – Water Conservation for

    For those who love a vibrant display, consider these options:

    Flowering Shrubs: Compact varieties like butterfly bush or crape myrtle provide seasonal color and structure.

  • Perennial Borders: A well-planned border filled with colorful perennials like daylilies, coreopsis, or salvia offers long-lasting blooms throughout the growing season.
  • Mixed Beds: Combine flowering annuals with perennials and low-growing shrubs for a dazzling display. Opt for pollinator-friendly varieties to attract butterflies and bees.

  • Gardening by the sidewalk
    Gardening by the sidewalk
  • A Touch of Elegance: Formal and Modern Designs
  • For a more structured look, explore these options:

    Gardening by the sidewalk
    Gardening by the sidewalk

    Formal Foundation Planting: Create a symmetrical design with evergreen shrubs like boxwood or holly, adding pops of color with flowering plants.

  • Modern Minimalism: Utilize clean lines and repetition with plants like ornamental grasses, stacked planters, and strategically placed rocks.

  • Beyond Plants: Adding Hardscaping Elements
  • Low Maintenance Parking Strip Landscaping Ideas
    Low Maintenance Parking Strip Landscaping Ideas

    Incorporate hardscaping elements to enhance functionality and aesthetics:

    Patios and Pathways: Create a small patio area with pavers or stepping stones, perfect for placing a potted plant or two.

  • Edging: Define the border of your park strip with edging stones, bricks, or even recycled materials like wine bottles.
  • Lighting: Install low-voltage path lights to illuminate your park strip at night, adding a touch of ambiance and security.

  • Pin on garden
    Pin on garden
  • Choosing the Right Plants for Your Park Strip
  • Before planting, consider these factors:

    Drought Resistant Parking Strip Ideas - Big Rock Landscaping
    Drought Resistant Parking Strip Ideas – Big Rock Landscaping

    Sunlight: Observe the amount of sunlight your park strip receives throughout the day. Choose plants that thrive in those conditions.

  • Soil Conditions: Test your soil’s pH and drainage to ensure your chosen plants will flourish.
  • Maintenance: Consider your time commitment. Opt for low-maintenance plants if you have a busy schedule.

  • Conclusion
  • Park strips offer a unique opportunity to add beauty and functionality to your property. By considering your personal style, local climate, and maintenance preferences, you can transform this often-neglected space into a vibrant extension of your home’s landscape. So, unleash your creativity and explore the endless possibilities of park strip landscaping!

  • FAQs
  • Q: Do I need permission from the city before landscaping my park strip?
  • A: It’s always best to check with your local municipality’s regulations regarding park strips. Some cities may have restrictions on plant types, heights, or hardscaping elements.

  • Q: How can I attract pollinators to my park strip?
  • A: Plant a variety of flowering plants with different bloom times throughout the season. Choose plants native to your region and avoid using pesticides.

  • Q: What are some low-maintenance ground cover options for my park strip?
  • A: Creeping phlox, thyme, and sedum are excellent low-growing, low-maintenance ground covers that add a layer of greenery and suppress weeds.

  • Q: I have a very narrow park strip. What are some space-saving landscaping ideas?
  • A: Utilize vertical elements like hanging planters or small trellises for climbing vines. Opt for compact plants and focus on creating a layered effect with varying heights.

  • Q: I’m not very creative. Can I find pre-designed park strip landscaping plans?
  • A: Many gardening websites and local nurseries offer pre-designed park strip plans tailored to your region’s climate and preferences.


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